0Monday. 6th [May 1912]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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6 May 1912 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Monday. 6th [May 1912]. Monsignor Stanley took us all off to the Frari church in the morning to see some fine vestments wh are preserved there. I found the church at last cleared of scaffolding for repairs which have been going on during the last 10 years ever since the fall of the old Campanile warned the Venetians to look to their old Monuments & they found the Frari was in a bad state. From there I took Matt Ridley to see the Piazza & St Marks—this being his 1st visit to Venice. In the afternoon we all went in gondola to Murano to visit the churches of S. Pietro & the cathedral. The Duchess of Somerset & Mrs B. Johnson went with me in my gondola. Returning home we passed Mrs Whitaker sketching in her gondola—the Dss made us stop & transferred herself to sketch with Mrs Whitaker & there we left her & came home.

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