0Saturday. 25th [May 1912]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 May 1912 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 25th [May 1912]. Matt Ridley, Nela & I left by the 2.30 train for Bologna. A very hot journey. At Bologna we 3 went up to Villa Minghetti walking up in the cool evening the steep big of road that leads up to the Mezzaratta. Donna Laura was in her garden with Sigr Faccioli when we arrived & gave us a warm welcome. Matt has to sleep at Hotel Brun in town as there is no room for him up here. We dined at 8 & Matt walked to Bologna afterwards. I played double patience with Donna Laura till bed time. She looks aged & fragile but is full of go & spirits & was very amusing over the card playing constantly wanting to cheat & being radiant at being found out.

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