0Friday. 31st [May 1912]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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31 May 1912 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 31st [May 1912]. Had a long rest in the morning only getting up for lunch. Sigra Malagola came & sat by my bed some time, & also Nora Hallé. Went out at 4 to see Baroness Reinelt & then called at the Hotel Europe to fetch Contessa Contadine di Villamarina who arrived here yesterday. Her husband, son of Marchesa Villamarina Queen Margherita’s chief lady has just died at Tripoli helping the Red Cross. He died of typhoid & thus ended a very bad life in trying to do some good to others. He was a very bad husband—had married Mrs Jameson for her money & had got a lot of money out of her—some say that he forged her cheques. She had been separated from him now for six or 7 years & I have always found her in Egypt. She now talks of him with affection & wears the deepest weeds—death seems to have passed a sponge over the past. I feel sure that she will now be a happier woman being free. We took her to the Eden’s garden wh is lovely with roses, anthermums, foxgloves & marguerites. I afterwards took her back to her hotel– Nela & I dined in the long hall—wh makes one feel that we are in the summer. It is so pleasant being before the open windows & balcony covered with flowers & being able to see down the Grand Canal.

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