0Wednesday. 5th [June 1912]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 June 1912 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Wednesday. 5th [June 1912]. Mr Montalba came in the morning to talk Hospital accounts. I went out at 5 to see Angela Reinelt & on to fetch Css di Villamarina from her hotel & we went to tea with Hugh Whitaker at his garden on the Giudecca. She & Mr & Mrs Price came to dinner & we went directly after to the Concert at the Sailor’s Institute. I saw for the 1st time the new managers Mr & Mrs Swan who seem to be very capable people & she finds her way about the piano in a capital manner. There was no “talent” amongst the men so Mr & Mrs Price had (with Mrs Swan) to do all the concert part. One man who came in rather the worse for drink amused us by his air of sentimentality when Mrs Price sang “I love you,” & had to be kept quiet by the persuasions of fat Mrs Swan who sat by his side calming him.

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