0Thursday. 6th [June 1912]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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6 June 1912 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 6th [June 1912]. Sig. Frizzoni director of the Morelli gallery at Bergamo brought his friend Monsr                director of the St Petersburg galleries to see me in the morning & they spent some time with me looking over the pictures here & were very enthusiastic over them. In the afternoon I went to tea with Css Villamarina at the Europa to meet Mrs Hawkins a rich lady from Cornwall who in memory of her (very bad) husband has rebuilt the tower of Truro Cathedral & is very rich. Her husband had made a famous collection of snuff boxes wh have been sold at fabulous prices. When she had gone I proposed to Ethel Villamarina to take her out for a row & went went a long round by the Fondta Nuove. It was a lovely evening—we got home after 7. Nela & I sat in the Belvedere after dinner & played patience till bedtime.

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