0Friday. 14th [June 1912]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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14 June 1912 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 14th [June 1912]. Modelled with N. Hallé in morning. Afternoon Miss Herbert & Miss Lees & C. White to tea– Afterwards went to Princess Clary & she showed me the Dashkoff Collection given to her by Genl Bradford. Relics of Empress Catherine II of Russia. Mme Dashkoff was her friend & lady in waiting & was a gt friend of Mr & Mrs Wilmot. Mr W. was their English chaplain at Petersburgh. Countess Villamarina & Marchesa Cappelli lunched with us. The latter has come there to take sea baths. Nela & I dined with Mrs Curtis. I received another anonymous letter about Mr Browning begging me to send for his wife. What can I do.

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