0Monday. 22nd [July 1912]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 July 1912 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Monday. 22nd [July 1912]. I heard from Angela Reinelt that she has caught the whooping cough and is very ill with it & cannot see any one for fear of infecting them—so I settled to leave for London on Sunday next. I went out in the afternoon to the Piazza & returned home to tea. Had a visit from charming Americans Mr & Mrs Mintern most delightful & educated persons—also good looking though Mr Mintern seems to be losing the use of his legs. At 7 I started in gondola for the Lido Sta Elizabetta & walked from the landing place to the Hotel des Bains on the shore & dined with Marchese & Mara Cassis out of the terrace of the hotel where it was pleasant & cool. Much talk of the raid of Italian torpedo boats up to the Dardanelles without loss of ships—rather a foolhardy thing—merely to show their courage—& to no effect. Made acquaintance with Count Monti & we all walked from the Hotel to my gondola at Sta Elizabetta & I had a pleasant peaceful row home to Venice.

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