0Thursday. 1st August [1912]—3 Saville Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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1 August 1912 — 3 Saville Row
Thursday. 1st August [1912]. I went out walking with Nela & shopped in Knightsbridge & Sloane St. Then walked by Albert Gate thro’ the Park to the Marble Arch up Oxford Street to 17 Cavendish Sqr to have luncheon with Blanche. Afterwards walked back to Savile Row. Nela left by 4.30 train for Ballards. I left by 4.45 for Lutterworth & got there abt 7. Eda met me at the station. Nelly is staying here also Gus & his wife– Mary is also here & Nellie’s little girl Katharine a lively little thing.

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