0Tuesday. 3rd [September 1912]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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3 September 1912 — 3 Savile Row
Tuesday. 3rd [September 1912]. Charlie Wyld came up to town in the morng. Connie came to luncheon. Afterwards I went shopping with Baker & we walked back from Knightsbridge. Baroness Gagern came to tea, also Miss Broderick, Lady Hilda Keppel’s great friend & also Sir Wm Barrington who was in diplomacy & whom I had not seen for many years. He seems quite old & decrepit—a little old man with a glass in his eye. I remember him last as a smart young man. Do I look old in the same way. Connie came also to tea & then went away to dress & returned to dine with us & Charlie took us to the play to see the Bouchers in “Find the woman” well acted but not much incident. The scene is laid in America. Walked home with Charlie—a fine night for a wonder & we said that at that hour London reminds one somewhat of Paris.

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