0Tuesday. 1st April [1862]—Exeter House, Roehampton
BaylorBrowning Guide

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1 April 1862 — Exeter House, Roehampton
Tuesday. 1st April [1862]. Went over in the afternoon to Spring Lodge found Blossett there. Had a row about not bringing over the footman, but sent for him. Connie crowned Alice with violets and she looked lovely & quite a little Sheba– Had 5 oclock tea and I & Susan made the drawing room into a sort of theatre for acting charades. After dinner we went to prepare for the charades—we had first “Gipsey” then Character. Blossett did the charwoman & Char. most killingly and we had great fun. We did not get home till past one. Constance stayed the night & so Blanche slept with me–

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