0Thursday. 26th [June 1862]—Canford Manor, nr. Wimborne, Dorset
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 June 1862 — Canford Manor, nr. Wimborne, Dorset
Thursday. 26th [June 1862]. At 7½ Merthyr came & shouted at me to get me up out. I did not get up till 8½– After breakfast I went into the study, made a list of commissions for Temmy and then went up to the Tool room to print. I found that the new type had arrived from London so I assisted Ivory in distributing it. At 12½ I heard Blanche practice till lunch and after luncheon I went up and distributed more type till 4½. I then went out sailing with Ivor. We raced Arthur but there being next to no wind we did not get quite up to the bridge & then came home. I had some tea in the hall and afterwds took out desk and wrote letters on the bowling green. Dinner at 8– After dinner I & Arthur played the piano and bugle & I accompanied him whilst he sang “The monk within his cell”—& Callcotts “The Brave” bed at ¼ 11–

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