0Monday. 21st [July 1862]—Canford Manor, nr. Wimborne, Dorset
BaylorBrowning Guide

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21 July 1862 — Canford Manor, nr. Wimborne, Dorset
Monday. 21st [July 1862]. Blanche, Con: & Schr set off to town at 7 A.M. I had a letter from Ivory– I printed in the morng & went for a drive in aftern first with Cecil then to the Pynes & then up the drive where we met the carriage returning from the station with Kate & baby– When we came home I found a telegram from Montie to say he & C. Hambro were comg by the 9 train. They arrived just as we had finished dinner– Montie sang in the eveng & we went to bed at 11½. Kate came & stayed in my room until Cecil came up fm the smoking room at ½ past 1–

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