0Friday. 8th [August 1862]—Cowes
BaylorBrowning Guide

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8 August 1862 — Cowes
Friday. 8th [August 1862]. We went to bathe as usual, we then went for a sail as far as the Needles and then back to Southampton where we were to drop Cecil. It was finally decided that we should all return to Canford at the same time & at 4 oclock we landed at Southampton—we went to avenues for an hour and at 5 went to the station. Ivor & FEB played chess all the way down. When we arrived at Wimborne, we found that there was nothing to meet us so FEB & I set out walkg. We soon met Kate, Blossett & Merthyr out riding & then the M. in the carriage. She picked us up & took us home. Blossett came and slept with me. Kate came to me & we had great fun all 3 in my small bed.

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