0Thursday. 25th [September 1862]—Canford Manor, nr. Wimborne, Dorset
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 September 1862 — Canford Manor, nr. Wimborne, Dorset
Thursday. 25th [September 1862]. Painted in the morng & in the aftern we all went over to Bournemouth. The 1st people we saw on arriving there were the Ponsonbys & Mrs Dayly who invited us to tea. Blanche, I & May bathed. My boots got wet thro’ in the machine and I had to go home without any. I drove Luffs poney carriage and Mrs Graham & May going home. We had a very dark drive home and didn’t get in till 7½. Mr & Lady L. Pon: Mr Wilett Adye of Merly and Mr Kelson, besides Mr Daniel came to dine. We had a gt deal of music in the eveng & Mr Adze played Zampa with us. bed late (Finished the 14 No. of the P.T.)

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