0Monday. 10th [November 1862]—Exeter House, Roehampton
BaylorBrowning Guide

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10 November 1862 — Exeter House, Roehampton
Monday. 10th [November 1862]. Was very late. The M., Schr, Con & Ecca went to the Exhibition. I practised concer: & went up to look after the nannies for Maria—they came at about 12. We had Alice down to luncheon. After lunch I bothered about the study fire being resolved to make it light, when I had accomplished that I went & practised in the schoolroom till 5 when we had tea in the study. Ecca & the M. returned. Con showed us a box the M. had bought her at the Exn. Richard came in time for dinner. After dinner Con: played & I, Ecca & Rd had a long discussion about the pictures in the Exn. Bed at 11–

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