0Tuesday. 11th [November 1862]—Exeter House, Roehampton
BaylorBrowning Guide

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11 November 1862 — Exeter House, Roehampton
Tuesday. 11th [November 1862]. I was down very late & started off with the M. Schr & Con: to town we called 2 Jermyn St & saw Arthur & his friend Mr Gould. We bid adieu to Arthur who starts today for Albania, and doing one or two commissions, went to the Exhin. We there found Luff & Rd. We went about chiefly looking at furniture & Con: Rd & I going off to see something lost the others & did not find them for some time. Rd took us to have some refreshment & left a little before we did. After dinner I read Jn Halifax & played a little. bed at 11–

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