0Tuesday. 30th [December 1862]—Uffington House, nr. Stamford, Lincolnshire
BaylorBrowning Guide

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30 December 1862 — Uffington House, nr. Stamford, Lincolnshire
Tuesday. 30th [December 1862]. Down in pretty good time; after break: washed a piece of china for F & looked after Xmas tree things; at 12 I, Fel:, the M. & Milord drove to Burghleigh and finding Lady Bur: at home Fel: & I got out—we stayed a little time & Lady Bur: made herself very agreeable & was looking still very handsome. When we returned we found little George & Amy Welby arrived– We had lunch & I then spent the whole time till 5 in arranging the Trees– Tea at 5 & I looked over the old Punches till I dressed for dinner– Sat between the M & Mankie not over cheerful– Whist in eveng, Mrs & Miss Hunt dined & Mr Hunt came in eveng. I played duets with Fel: Sat in her room till rather late–

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