0Tuesday. 17th [March 1863]—Exeter House, Roehampton
BaylorBrowning Guide

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17 March 1863 — Exeter House, Roehampton
Tuesday. 17th [March 1863]. Not down till nearly 12—found Maria here. Had a very bad headache. I went to luncheon with Maria and then sat a long time in the nursery playing with the children & then with Maria in her room. Finished one slipper & ½ another– Stood talking to Mrs Keep and then came in, had a try at the sewing machine. I sat in my sitting room all the eveng and did not go to dinner. Thomas brought me my dinner & Susan came and sat with me and then I wrote her letters– To bed at 11– My headache prevented my going to the Singverein at the Aldersons– As Con: had been spending the day there, Miss K went in to fetch her. Had a row with Bl. abt Elizabeth.

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