0Thursday. 19th [March 1863]—Exeter House, Roehampton
BaylorBrowning Guide

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19 March 1863 — Exeter House, Roehampton
Thursday. 19th [March 1863]. Down at 10½. Worked in my room all the morng. It was so lovely that I sat with the open window till lunch. After lunch practised till 3 & then worked for an hour. Everybody went out and so I practised my singing till 5½ when I went in to Maria’s. I found them all there at work it being her working class afternoon for the benefit of the Bazaar. I had some tea & worked there till 7. Had dinner at 7 & worked all the eveng. The M & Schr went to Dr Hamiltons at Grafton St to the Fine Arts eveng where they had also sent some old pottery for inspection. Bed at eleven. Had some violets from Mrs Glyn. Con: heard from Ivory.

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