0Monday. 25th [May 1863]—Exeter House, Roehampton
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 May 1863 — Exeter House, Roehampton
Monday. 25th [May 1863]. Rather late. Connie returned at 11. I went out riding with Schr & did not see many people it being Whitsun Week. Left a note for Aug: Lumley at his house, Eaton Place, where we met him at the door. Came home to lunch. Mrs Fortescue & Miss Erskine called also Aug. Lumley—Poney—Mrs Cocks & Mrs W. E. Welby. We then drove to Park Lane & I & she called on the Dow. Duchess Somerset who embraced us & was so glad to see us. Met Captn Falbe there, Mrs Milner Gibson, Lady Denorbin (?) Miss Hughes & Mme & Mlle Masurier. The latter played beautifully, she is about 15 & plays better than any amateur I ever heard, really quite wonderful both in execution & taste– We went then for a drive in the Park but found it nearly empty. Blossett stayed dinner & went home at 11½.

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