0Thursday. 28th [May 1863]—Exeter House, Roehampton
BaylorBrowning Guide

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28 May 1863 — Exeter House, Roehampton
Thursday. 28th [May 1863]. The M & Con walked in the Park & the carriage took me to Farrances to lunch with Lady Selmer, we were sitting chatting together when there was a great knock at the door & in walked Lord Dunmore. I was introduced & he stayed luncheon & afterwards sang to us. Lady S. brought me home at about 4 and I immediately dressed & went to an amateur concert at Mrs Marlay’s St Katherines Lodge Regents Park. It was very slow & we were glad to get away– Had dinner at 6½ & went to the concert in Hanover Sqre given by the Wandering Minstrels in aid of the Deaf & Dumb. The Hamonds & Berties had seats not far off & Temmy also went—the Prince & Pss of Wales came & Mr Weldon sang but is considered very much gone off– Mr LePatourel played a very clever duet on the Piano & Flute at the same time a kind of tour de force. Lady C. Coke’s playg was beautiful.

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