0Friday. 29th [May 1863]—Exeter House, Roehampton
BaylorBrowning Guide

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29 May 1863 — Exeter House, Roehampton
Friday. 29th [May 1863]. Got invitations to go to Canford tomorrow. I, Schr & Con. rode in the morng & met Tony & Emmy Hamond. Saw HRH. riding & we mutually recognised one another. Had lunch at 2 & went to St James Hall to hear Halle’s recital wh lasted till 5 when we returned home calling on the way at Garrards to see the teak given by M. Wales to the Princess of Wales wh is a very handsome ornament accompanied by a pr of ear rings. Composed of diamonds & large uncut emerald drops. Lady Mary & Fanny Arkwright came to tea also Mrs Hamond & when they left Mr Welby & his fiancée Miss Ad: Fane—& just as we were going out comes in Mrs Hutchings– We then took a drive in the Park where there were heaps of people it being the day of the meeting of the dragoons– The carriages not only reached all down by the Serpentine but from the Marble Arch to Hyde Park. I never saw the Park so wonderfully full, from there we went to call on Dow. Lady Dunraven about the S. Wales present to H.R.H. and I & Schr waited for the ¾ hour and happened to see Hussey Vivian passing by who stopped & spoke to us. From there to 101 Eaton Place to congratulate Evy on her engagement to Mr G. Heathcote & finding them just going in to dinner did not stay a few minutes & home to dinner.

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