0Monday. 23rd November [1863]—Orton Hall, nr. Peterborough, Cambridgeshire
BaylorBrowning Guide

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23 November 1863 — Orton Hall, nr. Peterborough, Cambridgeshire
Monday. 23rd November [1863]. I got up at 8 and had breakfast at ½ past. Mary K. Gordon came down to see me off. After breakfast I went to see At Mary who was not up. I found her very unwell and she sent for the doctor. I left Orton at 9 and met Felicia & Bertie on their way to town. We got to London a little after 12 and found Merthyr had come to meet us. He was walking on 2 sticks and looked very pale and ill. He had had a fall from his horse and hurt his knee & afterwards strained his other ancle. He took us to his rooms & gave us luncheon and then I went & got my hair cut at Douglas’ with Beckie and stayed a long time at Merthyr’s rooms waiting for the M. Ivory came abt 5 & the M ½ past. But I settled that Ivor would take me to Ex. Hse. Whilst we were waiting the Berties came in from shopping & JMG from the city. IBG & I drove in a hansom stopping at Cremers to buy a chess board. After dinner (Milord & Mankie are still here) I played & sang whilst every one played chess. I went to bed pretty early & slept with Blanche.

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