0Tuesday. 24th [November 1863]—Exeter House, Roehampton
BaylorBrowning Guide

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24 November 1863 — Exeter House, Roehampton
Tuesday. 24th [November 1863]. Got up rather late and went over to lunch with Maria at ½ past 2. We started on a visit to the Hutchins. At Paddington we joined the Berties and found Mr Hutchins and as the train was going off Merthyr joined us. Uncle B who was walking up & down the platform was most strangely left behind and Mr Schr never came at all. We had a very jolly journey & reached Aldermaston station at ½ past 5. We found Beenham was abt 2 miles from the station. The house seemed moderate size but extremely comfortable. Mrs Hutchins & Miss De Bernaben received us and gave us some tea. Dinner at 7½. Mr Schr arrived just in time for dinner & Uncle B in the middle. A telegram came to say Monty was coming tomorrow. Mr Hunter was the only stranger staying in the house besides our party; we sang in the eveng Christy Minstrels.

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