0Wednesday. 25th [November 1863]—Beenham, nr. Reading, Berkshire
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 November 1863 — Beenham, nr. Reading, Berkshire
Wednesday. 25th [November 1863]. I sang in the morng and we had a great consultation abt sending for Merthyr’s horse. After lunch Mr & Mrs Bertie & I walked up to the wood to see the gentlemen shoot. We found them after a little time and they came to have their lunch in a field. After their lunch FEB & I followed Merthyr while he shot and after a time it becomg very cold we returned to the house and had some tea. It had been very hot in the morng and we walked up and down in the garden and findg it so hot I was compelled to take off my shawl. Mr Denby Griffiths, Mr Robinson (who took me in) & others dined. We sang in the eveng and to bed pretty early. Monty arrived just in time for dinner. FEB came to our room & I dressed up to amuse her and sat up till late. (Thermometer 80 in the sun)

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