0Friday. 11th [December 1863]—Park Wern, nr. Swansea, Glamorgan
BaylorBrowning Guide

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11 December 1863 — Park Wern, nr. Swansea, Glamorgan
Friday. 11th [December 1863]. Rather late for breakfast & had a game of billiards with Connie. We were to have gone to Swansea to be photod but it was so showery we gave it up. Dulcie & Etta & Miss Eden came up & we had a gt game of pool billiards and Dulcie & I won. Lunch at 2 and when I had written a few letters we all went out walking all except the M & Mrs H. Vivian who rode. We walked to Singleton but found Mrs V. out. We then went to the farm to see the Dairy & taste some cream, singing catches all the way on the road. We took Miss Eden to her home wh was close by & called in on her mother where we also fd Mrs Felix Webber. The Vivians walked thro’ their grounds home with us and there left Connie & Mrs Vaughan & me to get home alone. We had T & then I went up and having a headache laid down & fell asleep till dressg time. There was gt excitement as Ernest Vivian the eldest son was expected home fm Eton & he duly arrived. The Vivians all came to dinner & Mr & Mrs Iltid Thomas. I sat between Etta & Hussey Vivian. Etta sang “My Maryland” & “Il Bocio” and we had a round game at wh I won 3/. To bed at 12. Sat up reading and writing. It was just after the ladies had come out of dinner that we heard some singing outside & on the hall door being open there came in what is called “The horses head.” A boy dressed up in a white sheet having a horses head on to his shoulders—covered with garlands & gay ribbons. The boy danced reared jumped & snapt his jaws while several more boys sang. It appears that this is an old Welsh custom wh is celebrated abt Xmas time but I could not make out the origin of it. It was rather amusing as the “Head” made dashes into the midst of us & tried to scatter us. I heard that he frightened the Ladies maids out of their wits by rushing in upon them in the House Keepers room & pursuing them hotly.

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