0Tuesday. 10th [May 1864]—11 Cavendish Square
BaylorBrowning Guide

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10 May 1864 — 11 Cavendish Square
Tuesday. 10th [May 1864]. I & the M went to Laura Kingsites & Mr Nesbitt wedding & to the breakfast wh was slow, met Mary Felmer there & Harry Fane. Brought Mr Colter in the carriage here on his way to see Car at the Nelsons. Mr Peel came to church to play the concertina with Connie. IBG, Flamanck & Edward Hutchins also at lunch. Heard Mr Peel play. Put up flowers Blanche brought me from Canford. At 3 Car came with Lady Nelson & the Hutchins. Ed. Hutchins stayed T. Car came to dinner & afterwards went to IBG’s box with the M & Connie. I stayed at home & practised in the evening, to bed at ½ past 10.

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