0Friday. 13th [May 1864]—11 Cavendish Square
BaylorBrowning Guide

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13 May 1864 — 11 Cavendish Square
Friday. 13th [May 1864]. Had a lesson in Italian from Gordini from 11. Helped the M. with cards until I went out at 4½ driving with Miss Kemble. We went to Mitchells & told them to send out the invitations for our ball on 26th & went to the top of Oxford St for a perambulator & just as we came away from the shop one of the horses slipt & fell but in two minutes got up again & was not the least hurt. However a horse going rather fast behind us being unable to pull up got hurt by the spikes on the back of our carriage & the driver demanded reparation wh of course we did not give & were proceeding when a policeman stopped us & took our address, & we went on to call on the Aldersons & finding them out went home. The M having ridden out to Roehampton did not get home till rather late. I forgot that Connie & I went to luncheon at Lady Shaftesburys with the Ashley girls where we also met a nice old Miss Cuyler—after lunch we sat in the down stairs sitting room belonging to the brothers as they were out excepting Cecil the youngest. At 3.30 Connie drove Eda Ashley down to Roehampton in the poney carriage & Lady Shaftesbury brought me home & then I drove with Miss Kemble. After dinner I and the M went to the Fine Arts meeting at Marquis D’Azeglios’ house where we met the Gaysfords, Alfred Seymour, A H Layard, Ld & Lady Somers, Mrs Higford Burr, Mr Markam Law. We did not stay late but got home before 12.

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