0Sunday. 22nd [May 1864]—11 Cavendish Square
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 May 1864 — 11 Cavendish Square
Sunday. 22nd [May 1864]. I went to Church with Schr in Vere St. Blanche & Con: went with Miss K to Roen by the 1st train to spend the day with Maria. After lunch when I was sitting reading in my room I looked up & to my astonishment saw Monty before me. He had returned from Weymouth last night. I sat with him looking over the list for our ball and when he was gone I sat & dozed until at 5 Lord Nelson & The Ladies Alice & Constance came & then Minnie & Lilly Balfour & Cte de Lubersae & Mr Weguelin. We all had T. & had some fun with Mr Weguelin– Just as all these were gone Mr Markam Law called. I went to bed rather early. Blanche & Miss K came back about eleven but Connie stayed with Maria. Blanche slept with me.

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