0Saturday. 28th [May 1864]—11 Cavendish Square
BaylorBrowning Guide

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28 May 1864 — 11 Cavendish Square
Saturday. 28th [May 1864]. Down very late. Monty came to lunch. Directly after I went out in the carriage with the M. Fetched my bangles from Phillips. We came home at 3 and fetched Mr Schr & then went to Mrs Disraeli’s to see the review. We went up to the roof of the house & sat there for 2 hours till feeling very cold I went down into the drawing room & I was introduced to Mr Usher—talked to the Corrys, the Duchess of Somerset & sat a long time on the balcony with Mrs Dawson Damer & then we went to tea together. We then walked home calling for Blanche at Val Hambro’s. We went to Lord Palmerstons & did not get to bed till 1 oclock. Heard of Mr Ker Seymer’s death.

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