0Tuesday. 31st [May 1864]—11 Cavendish Square
BaylorBrowning Guide

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31 May 1864 — 11 Cavendish Square
Tuesday. 31st [May 1864]. I got up pretty early to have a lesson in singing of Schira. It poured hard. Sophy Hamond came to see me & stayed luncheon. My head being rather bad before she came I laid down on my bed & woke much worse to go to Sophy. I sang a little to her & then we went to lunch. Monty, Ivor & Mr Flamanck were also at lunch. In the middle of the meal I feeling very sick went up stairs, was sick & went to bed. Had my feet immediately in mustard & water as Monty came with EK up to my room & Monty put EK all my dressing gowns etc & took her down stairs in triumph. At about 3 Fanny & Minnie Arkwright came to see me & Fanny sat & talked to me for abt 20 minutes. I was very bad all day & wh Ivor came at 9 I was better & went to sleep.

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