0Saturday. 2nd [July 1864]—11 Cavendish Square
BaylorBrowning Guide

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2 July 1864 — 11 Cavendish Square
Saturday. 2nd [July 1864]. I did not get up very early & Helen St Quentin came over to see me. After luncheon I drove down with Susan, Helen & a young Yorke to Marias. The M drove in the sociable with Blanche, Eda Ashley, and Eda Turnor. Constance drove down [with] Blossett in the poney carriage. Mr Layard, Capt. Hayter, Mr Weguelin, The King Kings, Hambros, Mrs L. Huth etc. came & there was quite a party, we had tea & croquet on the lawn & stayed to dinner sitting down 18 in number but I and Blossett had to sit at the side table. Almost directly after dinner we started home but it was raining hard so Con: Edith Turnor & E. Ashley drove back with me in the carriage & the M & Schr in the poney cart. As soon as we got home (Blanche and Ecca stayed with Maria) we dressed & went to Lady Palmerstons where we arrived rather late. I had to take home Mr Weguelins hat on account of the rain.

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