0Sunday. 16th [October 1864]—Canford Manor, nr. Wimborne, Dorset
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 October 1864 — Canford Manor, nr. Wimborne, Dorset
Sunday. 16th [October 1864]. I was down to breakfast at 10.15 and went to Church– There are no bells today the belfry being under repair. Mr Daniell preached a funeral sermon for old Pennington but I cannot praise the sermon as he stammered & stuttered over it & evidently had not read it over. After luncheon I sat talking in the Hall to the M [passage in author’s shorthand] till church & Mr Daniell again preached. After church I changed my hat & went up to call on Luff and not finding him in went to Mrs Pynes, Mary & I sang hymns till T. Connie came to T. She & the M had walked to see Deane. We stayed some time with Mrs Pyne & then returned to write letters before dinner. We had rather a stormy passage between Con: & Schrei but other wise—well– We dozed in our chairs ½ the eveng & then I sang hymns & the M. played some accompaniments for me. Went & sat a little with Connie in the eveng.

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