0Monday. 26th [December 1864]—Exeter House, Roehampton
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 December 1864 — Exeter House, Roehampton
Monday. 26th [December 1864]. I woke with a headache so I had breakfast in bed and did not get up till past 11. I then put on my hat to go next door when I met Monty, Arthur, Horace C. & Capt. E. outside. We had Sprig out and went to see the horses and I did not go next door. Con: went to town directly after breakfast to get some more things for the Christmas Tree. I went in for a few minutes before lunch. Horace C. stayed to lunch and then we made Monty sing & the boys then retired to the schoolroom to smoke and I went to help at the Christmas tree. Blossett and Poney Alderson were there & Ivor helping also. At 4 the Edmund Du Canes came, 2 boys and a girl and all the servants there and from Ex. Hse and each had something. Mrs Henley came at ½ past 4 with a little boy and girl and the tree lasted till nearly 5. Henry Layard & C. Alderson came. At 5 the children had T. in the hall and then had games. Monty & Arthur helped & we had “hunt the slipper”—dancing etc– Everybody dined with Maria except the M., Grannie, Flamanck & myself, but they all came to Ex. House in the eveng & we had some singing & “Free & easy” in full chorus and I went to bed as soon as I could as my head was still bad. Monty gave me a pearl cross and Gran: a gold thimble.

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