0Tuesday. 27th [December 1864]—Exeter House, Roehampton
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 December 1864 — Exeter House, Roehampton
Tuesday. 27th [December 1864]. Called at 7. and at 8 we started for the Paddington Station and got there at 9 & found Arthur there. He got me some books and made us comfortable for the journey but went in the guards van himself as he wished to smoke. We got to Bridgend at 3.15 and got to Dan-y-Graig at 4. I laid down in my room till dinner & after dinner dressed for the ball at Margam. We had a very pleasant drive altho’ we had the very smallest of small omnibuses and got there about ½ past 10. It was a capital ball & there was a cotillion wh I danced with Theodore Talbot & we did not get home till 8 in the morng.

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