0Saturday. 31st [December 1864]—Dan-y-Graig, nr. Bridgend, Glamorgan
BaylorBrowning Guide

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31 December 1864 — Dan-y-Graig, nr. Bridgend, Glamorgan
Saturday. 31st [December 1864]. Down to breakfast at 10 or shortly after and then wrote my journal. I went up to see Arthur but as he just intended to get up I did not stay with him but went down intending to write some letters. The M called me into the drawing room & asked me to sing wh I did till Arthur came down when I sat & worked in the study till lunch. Arthur sat with us while we lunched and directly after I put on my things and went out—up the hill on the high road to Bridgend about 2 miles. I met Arthurs carriole going in to B. on some errand & 2 men begged of me so I thought it better to return wh I did & went in to the lodge & had a little chat with Mrs Nash. I then came in & read a little out of Holiday papers by H. Jones & worked at Ivors waistcoat till 5 & then had T. & wrote 2 letters. The M read out some of Hood’s poems so I worked on again till dinner at 8 when Monty arrived. We sat a long time at dinner & afterwards I played & Arthur & Monty sang. Monty began a discussion about the furniture when I slipped off to bed & just got into bed as the clock struck 12 & we began 1865. I wrote 2 or 3 letters to Luff, Miss K & Blanche.

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