0Sunday. 1st January 1865—Dan-y-Graig, nr. Bridgend, Glamorgan
BaylorBrowning Guide

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1 January 1865 — Dan-y-Graig, nr. Bridgend, Glamorgan
Sunday. 1st January 1865. We were all down rather late & when we got down a little after 10 had to wait some few minutes for breakfast wh we eat hurriedly & I the M. & Monty went off to Newton Nottage church. We walked very fast and got there after all in good time. We got seats in the chancel amongst the Knight family. The service began with a long hymn & was performed by Mr Knight. There was no sermon. When we got home, Arthur & Monty went out round the garden & I wrote letters & answered some we found when we came from church– After lunch, I sat & talked to the 2 boys in the dining room while they smoked & then sat for a while in the drawing room. When they all went out I sat & read “Holiday Papers” in the study till they came in. We had 5 T. & Arthur wrote while Monty wrote his journal. We talked all the while. Dinner at 7 and at ½ past Monty started for town. We had expected Ivor all day but he never came. The M. & Arthur sat talking in the dining room all the even & I read in the study till 10 when I wrote to SH & went to bed–

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