0Sunday. 8th [January 1865]—Exeter House, Roehampton
BaylorBrowning Guide

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8 January 1865 — Exeter House, Roehampton
Sunday. 8th [January 1865]. Down to breakfast at 10. I went next door to get some one to go to church so I & Richard went to Dr Biber’s church. We met Mrs Morrison on the way & had a little talk with her. I had luncheon next door & afterwards came in & sat with Grannie till T time. Cary Somes came to T. and we all made a horrible noise, Constance being in a wild humour—at 6 Mr Somes came to fetch Cary & they went away. After dinner Blanche sang a little & I talked to Grannie. I sang Gran: the Angels Voice & we went to bed.

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