0Monday. 9th [January 1865]—Exeter House, Roehampton
BaylorBrowning Guide

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9 January 1865 — Exeter House, Roehampton
Monday. 9th [January 1865]. Breakfast at 10. Directly after I took Ivor’s waistcoat to cut out & sat in the drawing room with Gran when Maria came in & begged Gran: not to go back to Blackheath to day but to Ash: Cott: till Friday as Rd was away. She agreed to do this. I went to town with Maria & shopped etc till 5. Saw Minnie Ark. at Marshall & Snelgrove also Titiens all beautifully dressed in black velvet—a b. v. gown—long mantle & bonnet with blue strings. I went next door for dinner but had to come home & see abt the packing– I sat some time in the nursery talking to Alice & baby who is not well & then tried to steam the room with an india rubber tube on a kettle. The M. came in after dinner. I worked at Maria’s curtain border till 10½ when we came home. I got Gran: some candles in town & self a wedgwood T. pot.

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