0Sunday. 5th [February 1865]—Paris
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 February 1865 — Paris
Sunday. 5th [February 1865]. We went to the English Church opposite the “Ambassade Anglais” and walked home to lunch. Evy Hambro came to lunch & stayed till 3. We went again to Church at ½ past 5 & had an excellent sermon. We walked home along the Boulevard des Capucines & Italiene & by the Rue de Richelieu. At 7 we went to the Trois Fères and dined. I took Little Dorrit & read it to Ivor during the intervals and we read nearly the whole abt Flora Finching. We came home thro’ the Palais Royal and Ivor bought 3 necklaces. We got in at 10, had some lemonade & went to bed.

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