0Tuesday. 7th [February 1865]—Paris
BaylorBrowning Guide

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7 February 1865 — Paris
Tuesday. 7th [February 1865]. Ivor went out to get some money saying he should be home at 12 but he did not come in till 2 and then went off to the other side of the river with Luff. I stopped in and at 4 Gertie came & fetched me & took me to buy some music—“La belle Helèna” & “Zampa,” also bought me some more bonbons and at 5 brought me home. I dressed and Ivor came in at ½ past 6 & dressed quickly & we set off to dine with the Clays where we hoped to meet Mrs Ronalds an American lady who is the best amateur singer in the world. We were disappointed at her not being well eno’ to come. We met Evy H. at dinner & Mr Lascelles came in the eveng. There was a little playing & singing but rather desultory and some of them played whist. At 12 we went home.

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