0Thursday. 9th [February 1865]—Paris
BaylorBrowning Guide

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9 February 1865 — Paris
Thursday. 9th [February 1865]. Ivor & Luff went out so I stayed in all the morng working & reading until 3 when Gertie came; she brought me that little dog Charlie wh she promised me and then took me out driving to Siraudin to get bonbons & to get some music—& then brought me home & sat talking some little time. While waiting to see Ivor we watched the Zouave sentinel & made a picture of him. At 5 Gertie left & Ivor returned shortly afterwards & at 6 we dined & at 7 started for the train & left Paris. We got to Calais at 2 that evening & had some food at the Buffet. Then walked to Dessin’s Hotel where we slept.

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