0Friday. 4th [January 1867]—Canford Manor, nr. Wimborne, Dorset
BaylorBrowning Guide

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4 January 1867 — Canford Manor, nr. Wimborne, Dorset
Friday. 4th [January 1867]. Rather late. Got bills and one letter from Arthur announcg his engagement to Miss Adeline Chapman. Found B & Monty & the M. at breakfast talking over the news. Did not do much reading today. Very cold. After lunch I walked to the Keepers to ask after keepers child and then on to Mrs Hoare who has just lost her son, a lad of 15. Called at Dean’s & next door and trudged home in the snow wh was deep all the way. Had the dogs “Bessie” & “Chloe” with me. Called at Mrs Pynes to tell of Arthur’s engagement. Found Lady Lou. Pon. at tea in Bee’s room with the M. Heard by this post that Charlie Eliot had got an ADCship to Genl Lindsay. Wrote letters to Arthur & Adeline.

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