0Thursday. [ca. 31st December 1868]—Written at Langham House, Portland Place
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31 January 1868 — Written at Langham House, Portland Place
Thursday. [ca. 31st December 1868]. Maria & some of her children, Kate & some of hers, Blanche, I, the M. & S., Henry Layard spent Christmas at Canford & we made the children do some tableaux vivants in the eveng to surprise Cornelia & there was a Christmas tree. It was great fun making up the dresses—we made Henry do the Wolf in Little Red Riding Hood. Henry left to go to spend New Year’s Day with Charles Dickens– The night after the tree & when Blanche & I were undressing to go to bed we were chatting & I said I was sorry Henry was going she said & so is he of course—as you must know– I turned surprised & said No what do you mean. She said—because he cares for you– I said “What makes you think so” to wh B answered because he told Kate so– We went to bed but I did not sleep much for thinking of what Blanche had said– I really had not realised it before & it took me by surprise– However before the sisters had all left Kate had talked to me about it & said she would ask Henry to meet me at Holdenby– Henry went off by early train so I did not see him again at Canford–

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