0Thursday. 25th [March 1869]—Freshwater
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 March 1869 — Freshwater
Thursday. 25th [March 1869]. We wrote all the morng & at 12 we set off to walk to Farringford to lunch with the Tennysons. Mrs T. was very kind & affecate & he very agreeable. At 3 we left & A.T. went with us taking us all over his grounds. The garden was bright with beds of the mountain forget-me-not besides wild daffodils & primroses. A.T. gathered me a large bouquet of narcissus, wallflower & violets. After taking us all round his fields & farm he walked down to the Bay with us and we sat there on a Bench a little while. He then took us to the Hotel & went home. After dinner I read aloud to Hy an article in the Quarterly on “Animals & Plants” & then passages from “Little Dorrit.”

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