0Sunday. 4th [April 1869]—21 Grafton Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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4 April 1869 — 21 Grafton Street
Sunday. 4th [April 1869]. We went to Westr Abbey in the morng by ½ past 10 but found the service began at 10 so did not avail ourselves of Lady Augusta’s permission to go thro’ the Deanery to their pew. Walked home across the Parks. Cold East wind. The M: & Schrei: called before lunch. At 3 we had the brougham & drove down to Blackheath to see Hy’s mother. She gave us T at 4 & dinner at 6.30. We stole of her a pencil sketch of herself & a Majolica plate. Left at 9: got home at 10. We sat in my little Boudoir & had some tea.

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