0Tuesday. 1st June [1869]—21 Grafton Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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1 June 1869 — 21 Grafton Street
Tuesday. 1st June [1869]. Henry having an engagement to dine at the Alexra Hotel with the Nawob of Bengal, I went to dine with Mr & Mrs Grote 12 Savile Row. I was 2 mins: late & found they had sat down to dinner already. There were only a Capt Mackenzie & 2 nephews of Mrs Grotes & Mrs Lewins at dinner. After dinner a few people came in—Lady Eastlake, Mr Baynes &c. &c. and there was some music. Lady Eastlake played the piano with 2 gentlemen playing violin & violincello & then they played to Mrs Grote’s accompaniment some of Beethoven. At ½ p. 11 Henry came & fetched me away.

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