0Friday. 4th [June 1869]—21 Grafton Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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4 June 1869 — 21 Grafton Street
Friday. 4th [June 1869]. We dined at Mrs Austens & Blanche also. Met Sir Fenwick Williams of Kars, Mr & Mrs Redhouse & 2 De Gex. After we went to Ld St Germans who had a dinner party. Sang once. Bee sang a good deal. Walked home with L & Capt. Fortescue. In morng we went to see the progress of the Albert Memorial & met the Grotes & Lady Eastlake. Went shopping with Hy & then to lunch at Lady P. Hankey’s but found only Cecil in. They drove me to Adeline’s to tea & then I walked home to dress for dinner.

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