0Monday. 7th [June 1869]—21 Grafton Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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7 June 1869 — 21 Grafton Street
Monday. 7th [June 1869]. I was down rather late and forgot that we had asked Rassam to breakfast. However he breakfasted with Hy & Bee. I did not go out all day it was very hot. I had flowers up from Kew & I spent most of the afternoon putting them up. Boxall came in to see me. He stayed a little while & then Fred: came in to say he had been down to see the Madre & did not think she was so well & wanting her to come to town so I wrote & asked her to come here. Maria & little Ola’ came to tea also Adeline & then Mrs Drake & her niece Miss Goodwin called. Henry came home abt 6 and dined at home. After dinner he went back to the house & Adeline & Con: came in for a little while. Hy was not in till ½ past 2.

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