0Monday. 16th [August 1869]—Thun
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 August 1869 — Thun
Monday. 16th [August 1869]. Were called at ½ past 5 and left Thun by 7 o’cl: train. We got to Berne abt 9 and took a walk in the town having 2 hours to wait. We walked down the principal St & back again all under the arcades & noticed 3 curious old fountains in the middle of the st. & two old gateways of the old town. We then went to the “Schweitzerhof” and had breakfast & left Berne at 11 hoping to reach Chillon at 1.30. We found we had made a mistake and had 2 hours to wait at Lausanne. There we left Hill at the station & we went for a walk in the town. We went up the hill & called at the antiquary’s shop to ask about some china for mama. Then we walked up to the Cathedral where there was a lovely view but the cathedral is a very ugly one inside & there is nothing to be seen there. We walked back to the station and an hour by rail brought us to Chillon. We went to the Hotel Bonivard where Mr Rohring expected us and we had two very nice rooms looking over the lake. We dined at once and then sat on the balcony & had our coffee. There was a very pretty sunset & moon-rise but the clouds hung abt the mountains opposite & we could not see the snow mountains.

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